Monday, April 29, 2019

Pandora Hearts

Ah, a story about a curse/grudge that carries on throughout the family bloodline - or so it seems! Upon the first chapter, a lot seems to happen - the combination of Oz and his ceremony at the royal house as he turns fifteen and also his discovery of what I assume to be a link to his family's secrets/past.

The first chapter had some horror themes that I really like - with the girl and her dolls in particular. Personally, dolls, especially of the nature that were illustrated in the manga, have generally creeped me out quite a bit and seeing them drawn to actually see and think sends chills down my spine. It's something that creeped me out since I was a child and it all becomes a reality in this story, at least in the first chapter. I imagine these doll characters will be brought back sometime in the future of the story, which is cool because it sort of allows me to observe a fear that I have come to life but from a distance. 

I predict the story will evolve with Oz as he matures into the crown and becomes a bit more badass - he's illustrated to be kinda acrobatic and a bit of a trickster which, I assume, is similar to what his ancestors did, but to the wrong people, and now Oz has to suffer because of it. As of this blog, I'm unsure if the manga has an anime adaptation, but it seems like it would be great in the animated medium simply because of the horror elements alone. 

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